We are open now for digital printed fabric pre-orders.

Sustainability Charter

We’re passionate about doing what we can to leave this planet in a better condition than it was when we came into it. It’s our commitment as business owners and as mothers to do better.


  • As a growing business, we will be looking to provide employment opportunities for those who may otherwise struggle to find a job. It is part of our mission to support as many people in our community as we can. 
  • We have a team on the ground in China that liaise with our suppliers regularly to ensure safe work practices and fair work conditions are being adhered to by all staff
  • Our creative community on Facebook is a place for our customers and creatives to learn, grow, support and love each other.
  • We are committed to holding local events to encourage our community to develop skills, learn new things and make connections



  • We post orders using compostable mailing bags or cardboard boxes (sometime reusing the latter from deliveries we’ve received), and compostable tape. If the above is not available, we use recycled products wherever possible.
  • Our business and thank you cards are printed on recycled cardboard, and we send sweet treats* or usable product samples in your order.   *that are packaged in cardboard only. 
  • We sell retail fabrics in 0.5m increments with only a 0.5m minimum order (excluding synthetic leather and custom printing) to reduce over-consumption when not needed. 
  • We try to offer a wide range of non-directional designs available to minimise waste.
  • Flawed fabrics are sold at discounted prices or donated to charity
  • We endeavour to supply OTEX certified products wherever possible, without compromising the quality of the products and endeavour to provide high quality products made from recycled plastics. 
  • We work with suppliers and manufacturers who have ethical work environments



  • We regularly donate to a charity of choice. We use our artists, ambassadors and creative community when it comes to deciding which charity to support. 
  • Supportive online community and a wide range of fabric bases available to help people create their own eco-products.
  • A Creative Directory in our Facebook group where makers can take orders and/or sell goods. We love supporting fellow small and local businesses, and our customers. 
  • We are proud allies of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. We see you, we value you, we will do better. 

What are you looking for?

Oh wow. You have amazing taste!!